"Garage rock" comes from the perception that many such performers were young and amateurish, and often rehearsed in a family garage. This connotation also evokes a suburban, middle-class setting. It is, of course, quite simplistic to conclude that all garage bands met this demographic dynamic. Some bands were made up of middle-class teenagers from the suburbs, while others were comprised of professional musicians in their twenties or older.
The best songs of the genre conveyed great passion and energy. The performances were often amateurish or naïve. Typical themes revolved around the traumas of high school life, and lyin’ and cheatin’ girls (or boys). Superficially, this implies that the music was very limited. In reality, "Garage rock" performers were quite diverse in both musical ability and in style. Bands ranged the gamut from one-chord musical crudeness
Musik The Strokes mungkin memang sudah lekat ditelinga kita. Keempat pemuda New-York ini . Sebuah penolakan total terhadap cita-cita rock 1970-an yang dangkal. Kesederhanaan garage rock membuktikan bahwa siapapun dapat bermain musik.
Garage rock adalah bentuk mentah dari rock n roll. Tumbuh ditengah maraknya rock progressive di diawal 1960an. Garage rock tampil cukup mumpuni, tanpa manuver-manuver canggih yang menuntut kemampuan bermusik yang tinggi. Tidak begitu terdengar dikala psychedelic menengelamkan remaja pada masa itu kedalam batas kesadaran mereka. Namun pada tahun-tahun selanjutnya garage-rock tidak tanggung-tanggung membaharui pola pikir dan destinasi dari musik dunia.
Canada 1963-1967 adalah masa explorasi musik terdalam sampai pada akhirnya garage rock ditemukan.
Nama garage rock sendiri berawal dari persepsi bahwa banyak dari pengusung musik ini adalah amatiran muda yang berlatih musik di garasi mereka. Konotasi ini juga brllaku untuk
"Garage rock" comes from the perception that many such performers were young and amateurish, and often rehearsed in a family garage. This connotation also evokes a suburban, middle-class setting. It is, of course, quite simplistic to conclude that all garage bands met this demographic dynamic. Some bands were made up of middle-class teenagers from the suburbs, while others were comprised of professional musicians in their twenties or older.
The best songs of the genre conveyed great passion and energy. The performances were often amateurish or naïve. Typical themes revolved around the traumas of high school life, and lyin’ and cheatin’ girls (or boys). Superficially, this implies that the music was very limited. In reality, "Garage rock" performers were quite diverse in both musical ability and in style. Bands ranged the gamut from one-chord musical crudeness( RIND / zek !)
Jun 30, 2008
"Garage rock" is a raw form of rock and roll that enjoyed its original period of wide success in the United States, where it originated and Canada from 1963 to 1967.
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